
沒有這個頁面的資訊。,MicrosoftStreamisacorporatevideo-sharingservicewhichwasreleasedonJune20,2017thatreplacedtheexistingOffice365Video.,Stream(onSharePoint)allowsyoutorecord,upload,discover,share,andmanagevideojustasyouwouldanyotherfile.Stream(Classic)videosarenot ...,2024年5月11日—Stream(在SharePoint上)是屬於Microsoft365的智慧型手機企業影片體驗。它可讓您錄製、上傳、探索、共用及管理視訊,就像...



Microsoft Stream

Microsoft Stream is a corporate video-sharing service which was released on June 20, 2017 that replaced the existing Office 365 Video.

Microsoft Stream on SharePoint

Stream (on SharePoint) allows you to record, upload, discover, share, and manage video just as you would any other file. Stream (Classic) videos are not ...

SharePoint) 上的Microsoft Stream (概觀

2024年5月11日 — Stream (在SharePoint 上) 是屬於Microsoft 365 的智慧型手機企業影片體驗。 它可讓您錄製、上傳、探索、共用及管理視訊,就像任何其他檔案一樣。

About Microsoft Stream - Support

2024年2月21日 — What's Stream? Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) lets you store and share videos with the Marquette community.


Microsoft Stream 是Office 365 中的視訊服務,可讓您在小組或是組織內輕鬆建立影片、安全地分享以及進行互動。 相關網址:. 操作教學(點選開新視窗).

To see this content, sign in

Microsoft Stream. To see this content, sign in. New to Microsoft Stream?sign up.

Microsoft Stream - 企業影片平台

Microsoft Stream 將影片與您的日常工作應用程式整合,以協助您在整個混合式團隊中確實地進行溝通、說明、學習和共同作業。

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
